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Mike McAlpine's Blog-Pond
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
AJ's Grinders. I had the 6 inch Italian. On the lunch scale, I'll give it a 6. On the grinder scale I'll give it a 7. Next time I gotta remember to substitute yellow peppers for the green peppers. The broccoli salad is mighty tasty.

Monday, November 14, 2005
Had the Jam Bong at Yen Ching today. So far it's the best representation of Asian noodle soup I had so far in Grand Rapids. I gotta remember to order it without the Shitake mushrooms next time. I'm a little dissapointed in their hot garlic sauce. It just doesn't pack the spicy punch it should - I didn't even break a sweat. On a lighter note, lovely Judy came over to snap some photos of our table to post on their website. Looks like we're going to be famous. Sweet.

Thursday, November 10, 2005
Went to the Mediterranean Grill on 28th St for lunch today. Wanted it to go but the owner talked me into eating it there. Had the Kefta Gyro. Put a little hot sauce on that baby - It was superb! Stragely enough, it cost me less if I ordered it with a drink than without. Emily is not going to be too excited about my breath:)

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