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Mike McAlpine's Blog-Pond
Friday, March 03, 2006
In this blog I try to focus on GR eateries. However, I recieved a geat email today from my brother in NY and wanted to share it with my readers. Besides, us chow-hounds like to travel and you never know when you'll find yourself in NYC hankerin' for a deli.

#1 Carnegie Deli. The king of the New York deli scene. Make this your first stop. You will have enough Pastrami left from one sandwich to feed the HP office back in GR. I once asked the owner (he's friends with my wife's grandparents) how they cure the meat with such a great flavor and he said that if he ever told me he would have to kill me and my wife's grandparents. Good midtown location just north of Times Square.

#2 Second Ave Deli (Kosher). In my opinion the only edible Kosher food is deli and Second Ave is the only place to eat it. If your fancy is deli meat topped off with more deli meat, but no cheese, Second Ave is the place. Also don't forget to wash it down with a can of Cel-Ray (celery flavored soda).

#3 Katz's Deli. A remnant from the the Pastrami glory years of the Lower East side and of Sleepless in Seattle fame. The neighborhood is a little rough as is the staff. My father tried to order a corned beef sandwich with ketchup here once and the man behind the counter made him go to the end of the line so he could rethink the whole ketchup request.

#4 Sarge's Deli. The most "local" deli out of the four. Hidden away in the mostly residential neighborhood of Murry Hill, its a little out of the way, but definitely worth the trip. No frills or gimmicks just classic NY deli fare.

- "Fat" Matt McAlpine

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